CBN Animation has a mission to take the stories of the Bible to every nation through native language broadcasts, digital distribution and church partnerships.
History & Vision
Sharing the love of Jesus and bringing Bible stories to life for the children of the world
In 1981, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) created a children's animated Bible series as part of an outreach to the nation of Japan. Little did we realize what impact the series would have in Japan and around the world. The series was known as Animated Parent and Child Theater (Anime Oyako Gekijo), produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with CBN in the United States.The English name for this series was "Superbook."
Research performed during and after the outreach showed that this series was an unprecedented success. Over 8 million people a night watched Superbook on Japanese prime-time television, and the Bible became the nation's best-selling book.
By 1989, in the midst of economic and political turmoil, Superbook began broadcasting in the Soviet Union with astounding results. When Superbook aired during prime-time on the Soviet National Channel, CBN received over 6 million letters from children, introducing an entire generation to the Bible.
From Japan and Russia, the original Superbook series went on to air around the world. More than 500 million people watched the series, 52 episodes were translated in 43 languages and broadcast in 106 countries.
Today, CBN and a team of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast, are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic series using the latest 3D CGI technology. Our goal is that the new Superbook will honor the life-changing legacy of the classic series and re-introduce it to a new generation.
"CBN Animation's Superbook is reaching a new generation in a place where they are actively engaged - the internet. Mobile devices are a tremendous way to reach people anywhere and anytime."
Gordon Robertson
Executive Producer, Superbook
CBN Animation
The CBN Animation Club is a special group of individuals who care deeply about sharing God's love with the children of the world. This wonderful group of support a global Superbook is the Bible brought to life through animation—a timeless form of storytelling—to introduce children to Jesus and help develop their faith.
More than an animation series, Superbook lets children experience and interact with Bible stories using the Superbook Bible App and the Superbook Kids website. Both are engaging and powerful tools accessible in any place, at any time. And for church use, Superbook Academy is an exciting digital curriculum designed for children’s ministry, based on the animation series with in-depth lesson plans, activities, and crafts to challenge students to go deeper into God’s Word.
Millions have come to know Jesus as their Savior through Superbook. Now, partners are joining with us in the CBN Animation Club—helping produce more episodes, translate into more world languages, create mobile apps, websites, and curriculum for children to experience—in their own language.
CBN Animation Club works closely with local churches and community ministries to develop resources for vital follow-up and discipleship. Superbook is so much more than entertainment for children. Where these animated episodes end, life-changing stories begin.
See the impact of the CBN Animation Club in the lives of families and communities around the world.
With your help we've translated 75 episodes in over 52 languages and broadcast Superbook in over 90 countries.
The CBN Animation Club is part of CBN's global effort to take the stories of the Bible to every child and every nation. You can help reach the world's children today.