Superbook Spans the Generations for this Family
Grandma Olson knows how to throw a fun party for her grandkids. Pop a little popcorn and play an episode of Superbook!
Six-year-old Charity exclaims, “I get really excited to come over and watch Superbook.”
Marilyn Olson says, “I see my grandchildren smiling and laughing – totally involved with the stories.”
“Yeah, it makes the Bible come alive,” nine-year-old James chimes in. “Like I can really feel it. ‘Oh, what’s next? What’s next?’ And I just want to learn a lot.”
Hope is 12. She adds, “You can look up what Superbook movie you’re going to be watching, you can just open it and follow along. It’ll be exactly true with the Bible.”
That’s something Grandma Olson’s son Matt loves about Superbook. He and his 6 brothers were raised on the original series. He comments, “Studying the Bible myself, I see things on the screen and I’m like ‘Hey that is in the Bible, and they’re actually accurately portraying the stories and some of the even minute details of what go into these stories. It really gets my kids interested and they love it.”
Today, Matt’s kids have a tool he never had: the free Superbook App. “It’s just amazing,” James exclaims. “It tells you about the characters, the artifacts– the games are awesome. It’s just an awesome place to go on the phone.”
Hope agrees, “I love the Superbook App because you can go on there any time you want to. If you’re feeling afraid or something’s going on.”
“There’s so much darkness in the videos and some of the things that the kids watch these days and so much violence and immorality,” Grandma Olson sighs. “You have something like Superbook that brings light that would counterbalance this darkness that has come into their life. I’m very thrilled that the legacy is being passed down to the grandkids.”
And Grandma Olson’s glad her partnership with CBN is bringing Superbook and the stories of the Bible to the children of the world. “It seems to be accepted with all governments; even those that you think would not accept it. They’re accepting Superbook,” she says. And this will bring a lot of kids into the kingdom, seeing these stories when they’re little. Plus it’ll help them when they’re older. They’ll remember these things that they learned where they can trust their heavenly father to take care of them and to lead them.”
Grandma Olson’s children like to sing the Salvation Song at the end of each Superbook episode.
James has just one question. “Do you know when they’re going to make their next Superbook movie?”
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The Superbook Project is a donor-funded initiative that for over 35 years has shared the timeless message of the Bible through biblical animated stories— reaching hundreds of millions of children and families all over the world with the truth of God’s love and grace.
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