An App That Points Kids to Jesus
Meet Laney. She’s a 10 year old aspiring artist. “I love to draw horses, emojis, people,” she explains.
One of Laney’s favorite people is her 80 year old neighbor Skip, who’s nearly blind. They have a very special friendship that began with their mutual love for animals.
Skip says, “Nothing I wouldn’t do for that kid. And I told her mother and dad, I said, ‘You don’t have to worry over here because anybody bother her, I’d die for her.’”
Skip also wanted Laney to know about Jesus, the man who did die for her. He knew her parents didn’t go to church, so he invited her to go with him. In Sunday School that day, Laney and the other children watched an episode of Superbook.
In the discussion that followed, Adult and Youth Pastor Kelli Westmark noticed that Laney had a lot of answers for a girl who had rarely been to church.
She recalls, “I said, Laney how many times have you been to church, and she said, ‘Well, this is my second time.’ And I said, ‘I don’t understand. How do you know about this?’ She said, ‘I learned it all on the Superbook app.’”
Skip exclaims, “I was shocked when I found out how much she knew about the Bible. She knows more about it than I do!”
Laney explained that a year before, a classmate showed her the free Superbookapp. She downloaded it onto her own tablet, and started learning Bible stories and playing Superbook games. Then she responded to an invitation she saw on the app.
“It says, ‘Are you ready to accept God?’” shares Laney. She continues, “I said, ‘Yes,’ and then it told me a prayer to say, and I telled that prayer and ever since then, God’s always been in my heart.”
Laney looks forward to going to church with Skip every week and learning more from Superbook. Her favorite characters are Gizmo and Joy.
She shares, “You wouldn’t expect a lady to be strong, but she would be strong in mostly a lot of things.”
Kelli says the messages and strong role models found in Superbook will make a big difference in Laney’s life, and the lives of other children who need guidance and hope.
“We’re trying to break through that and just asking God, ‘God please bring your love and your light and your hope to these little kids,’ says Kelli. She continues with tears in her eyes, “And God did that for Laney.”
Recently, Laney was baptized. Now she tells everyone – including her parents – about Superbook and Jesus.
“I tell my mom and dad that it’s really fun and it’s really good for me to learn about God,” Laney says.
“I’m so thankful to God for the Superbook app,” Kelli concludes. “She would not have known the Lord without Superbook.”
Skip puts his arm around Laney, kisses the top of her head and says, “I think it’s the best thing that could happen to her.”
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The Superbook Project is a donor-funded initiative that for over 35 years has shared the timeless message of the Bible through biblical animated stories— reaching hundreds of millions of children and families all over the world with the truth of God’s love and grace.

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