Our Work

Broadcast Distribution

200 Million Viewers
Superbook Episodes have been broadcast to over 200 million viewers worldwide in 2019*

123 Countries
Superbook Episodes have been broadcast in over 123 countries in 2019
Recent Broadcasts

Superbook Returns to Japan
In 1981, Japan was the first country to broadcast Superbook on television. It was an instant success, leading the Bible to become the nation’s best-selling book. The Superbook Project is taking the new, reimagined Superbook back to a whole new generation in Japan, and we urgently need your support!
Your gift of any size today will help meet the costs of airing season 2, promotional materials for schools and churches, digital resources, translation, and the important follow-up resources for local churches on the ground.
* Brown, Fraser & Associates is a research company founded by Regent University professor Dr. William Brown, and Dr. Benson Fraser. To prepare the 2019 survey, field teams overseen by Brown and Fraser completed 17,692 interviews in 36 cities or regions of 10 countries. Brown and Fraser then applied the results from the surveys to project the probable audience sizes and programming effects of CBN programming.